Make-Up Blog 2

What makes you persuasive?


  1. I am persuasive because I think about both sides of an argument. If I am trying to persuade my friends to do something, I try and think about why they would want to do it, as well as why they wouldn’t. Thinking about both options allows me to form my opening statement in a way that would touch on both sides. An example of this would be asking my friends to get dinner during finals week. I would first think about my personal reasoning as to why I feel that dinner would be a good idea, but then I would think about the excuses my friends would make as to why they would not want to go. I would build off of these excuses and think of counterarguments, such as “it is our last time to go before everyone goes abroad” or “what difference is thirty minutes going to make.” These counterarguments are what help to make me persuasive, for it shows that I am knowledgeable about the topic and I understand both sides of the argument.

  2. I think I am very good at convincing people into doing what I want to do. I am extremely stubborn which allows be to think of alternative routes when trying to persuade someone to do something. I won't give up until I have successfully persuaded someone to do something. I also really enjoy arguing so over the past however many years, I have developed some skills in arguing and winning. I don't want to get this confused with being manipulative, as this is a more negative and demeaning skill. I just know what I need to say to get my way.

  3. I am persuasive because I look at both sides of the argument and try to find weaknesses on the opposing side. I am very good at thinking on my toes and making whatever I spew out sound relatively good. Not all of the people that I try to persuade can do this quite as well so if I can quickly shut down at least one of their arguments I can typically persuade the person. I would like to disclose that I don't do this for actual arguments (I've never tried), it's more used for going to one restaurant over another or one activity over another.

  4. I am persuasive because I remember that there is always more than one side or perspective about a situation. Keeping other potential perspectives in mind when speaking allows me to connect with more people and therefore get more people on my side. I am good at arguing by twisting the other person's words around in a way to make them favor my side. I am very stubborn however I do my best not to get angry because then I feel like my anger will take over and I will lose some logos of my argument. I am also good at finding compromises which contributes to my persuasive skills to ensure that I get what I want without totally screwing over the other person.

  5. I am persuasive because I look at both sides of the argument. By doing this, I am able to gain a better understanding of where the other person is coming from. This allows me to appeal more towards them when I go about my persuasion since I am trying to connect with them. I also go about my persuasion in a sincere way and weigh the pros and cons of both sides. I do this, but make my side more favorable through wording. I also like to end with my side so that it leaves a lasting impression. I am also very good at compromise. I am not too argumentative or stubborn, so I like to try to find ways in which both sides benefit as well. This is really common for me when it comes to making plans.

  6. I think the way I am persuasive is that I usually try to determine what my listener wants to hear and change my argument to be the closest thing to the outcome that they want. Playing to the audience is one of the most effective ways to win someone over as it creates a significant connection between the speaker and listener, even if it isn't truly that strong of a link. Creating that empathetic connection is a huge part of how I try to appeal to others. I think I do a good job of figuring out what people want and need to hear.

  7. I believe that i am very persuasive due to the fact that I can accurately predict whatever the other person will say in response and i will already have a counter prepared for their remark. I can think from both angles and distinguish the pros from the cons to truly aid my argument and persuade people that my suggestion is the better decision. Compromises can be very helpful in arguments and will sometimes be the only solution when the other individual is very stubborn. I also always try to think about three steps ahead of most situations. For example, if somebody says one thing, i already have a response, know their response to that response, and know my response to that response. There is probably a better way of explaining that, but it will suffice.

  8. Some of the things that makes me persuasive is my ability to stay calm during arguments and my ability to see both sides. When you have knowledge of both sides you are able to counter most of the points that could be against your argument. With knowledge of both sides, you can reflect the argument back to the other person, thus taking the questioning off of yourself and putting onto the other person. When you remain calm during an argument and the other person gets angry, then you look more respectable and people will tend to listen to you more. Being persuasive is more than just knowing facts, it also has to do with appearance. I does not matter if you can refute claims, if you get angry or upset during the argument.

  9. I think that I am persuasive because I can listen to what a person has to say, and then alter my approach and response based on that. Persuasion is definitely an art when it comes to listening and observing your audience and then responding accordingly. When using persuasion, it's best to find a route that works for both parties involved, so compromise is a big component of the process. I have to remember to be willing to change my ideas a little for them to agree to whatever is being discussed. Overall, listening carefully and analyzing the other person will help when it comes to persuasion.

  10. I am able to be persuasive because I form strong opinions only after I have sufficient factual evidence to support them. Until then, I am open to listening to all sides, and even after I have formed an opinion, I will try to make connections between my beliefs and the other side's opinions. I understand that it is important to connect with and appeal to your audience, and I use this to my advantage when attempting to convince or persuade someone else.


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