Week 5 - Just Checking In

How is your semester going?


  1. My semester has been pretty good. Balancing my time has been the only thing that I have really struggled with, especially since most of my classes require a lot of outside work. Since I am a sophomore, my major related classes have gotten more specific, and I am starting to figure out which aspects of packaging I enjoy more than others. With that being said, I have had to start thinking about when and where I want to Co-Op. That has created extra stress because I have had to start studying certain aspects of packaging, in order to ensure that I know how to talk industry. Overall, my semester has been pretty easy, but I also haven’t taken any exams yet so my feelings might change after I have my first “exam week.”

  2. My semester is going pretty good so far. I have aced a couple of exams and made some connections with some doctors and people working in a hospital to set up shadowing opportunities and potential job opportunities for this upcoming summer. As always, I'm stressed with the amount of school work I've got but am doing my best to manage it and my time.

  3. My semester is going well so far. I got through the first exam week which always seems to be the first real sign of how your semester will go. My semester is going to be very busy and so far, I have had a ton of work. However, I have created a schedule that has seemed to work that helps me manage time. Most of my classes have a pretty hefty workload but they don't seem to be too hard so far. I am already starting to take my major specific classes even though I am a freshman. I came in with a lot of credit so I was able to get a lot of general education classes out of the way. With that being said, I enjoy the classes I am taking. It is nice that I am taking classes that I will actually use in the future. I have been working on getting an internship this summer and have a couple interviews lined up so hopefully that works out. I have started to join some clubs so I can build up my resume. But the thing I am most excited for is playing intramural soccer and frisbee. Overall, I have had a good start to my semester and hopefully it stays that way.

  4. My semester thus far hasn't been too bad, I am just always busy. I just finished up with a very stressful week, so I'm glad I'm past that. I have an 8 am every morning, but I'm done by lunch most days, so I can't complain too much. I think I am doing better with studying and preparing for things ahead of time than I was last semester. I feel like I am also better at managing my time, with both academics and sorority requirements. I am going to be getting multiple exam grades back soon, so hopefully those turn out well and I continue to do well throughout the semester.

  5. My semester is going well. I have really been trying to balance all of my time between classes and extracurricular activities. I am really enjoying the discussions in english. I think it is interesting how almost everything can be broken down in different parts of the rhetorical situation. I am looking foreword to all of the new material we will discuss.

  6. I am enjoying this semester so far, and I have a positive outlook. I am a freshman nutrition major hoping to get into the nursing program, so I am just waiting to see if I get in or not. Other than that, I have been learning to balance and manage my time. My workload is a little bit lighter than last semester which I am thankful for. I have found that I work best when I designate a specific amount of time for schoolwork, and other time for hanging out with friends, because when I try to be social while doing work, it takes me 10x as long to finish it.

  7. My semester's going pretty well so far. I'm glad to be in classes for my major- I'm starting to see how my schoolwork will help me in my future career. My workload isn't bad compared to last semester, and I know lots more people, which has helped me deal with the couple of stressful weeks that I've had. I've got a pretty good schedule that includes lots of fun activities but still gives me plenty of time to get homework and studying done! I made it through my first exam week, and now I have a while before I'll have another intense week like that.

  8. My semester is going pretty well so far. I can already tell that Chemistry is going to be more of a pain as the semester progresses, but other than that class, I am really confident in all my other courses. I'm enjoying Clemson and my extracurricular activities, and I'm ready for spring and warmer weather to come. Pretty soon freshman year will be over. Time flies man, time flies.

  9. My semester started out strong, and continues to seem that way. I knew coming in to this semester that it would be more difficult than the fall. Chemistry is my least favorite subject, and I'm happy that I'm getting it out of the way and will be done by this time next year. Besides chemistry, many of my other classes are ones that I enjoy taking. My classes this semester are also earlier in the day which allows me to enjoy the rest of my day with my friends or doing my homework and studying for tests.

  10. So far, I am pleased with how my semester is going. I am taking more hours than last year, but I feel as if I have adjusted well. I am making a point to be proactive in my learning, attempting to review material ahead of class so that when I am taught it, I have a better understanding. However, my work load is starting to pile up. With my first wave of exams approaching, school is starting to get much more stressful. I am working on improving my time management skills to ease the stress that comes with exams and assignments. I enjoy the classes I am taking currently which makes doing the work less of a burden.
    I have a lot of questions regarding my major and whether I want to continue as a math major. I am putting a lot of stress on myself to decide what I want to do in the future, so that if it involves a change in major, I can make the switch in time for next semester. I am not discontent with my major, but I don’t love it, so I am hoping to find something I am very interested in.
    I have done a decent job balancing my social life and academics as well as the different clubs I am in. I am starting to run into problems though as I wish to be more involved in the clubs but do not have the time to do so. I am hoping that with improved time management, I can make the time to go to more events so that I can get to know the people better within the clubs.

  11. This semester has been okay thus far; however, my computer just crashed and that is causing lots of unneeded stress. Last semester, all of my classes were just covering the basics of my major. Now, the classes are becoming more in depth and harder. This scares me, but also excites me because I feel like I am getting closer to my career goals. I feel like I have made more friends this semester, and I'm overall happier than I was last year. As the first big assessments/due dates are approaching, I am becoming more focused. I have my daily routine set in place, and I have designated study times, and "me" times. This semester has been more stressful than last semester so far, but I think I am managing it better.

  12. This semester has been okay. I've been sick for a good bit of it which is great but I am slowly getting better. I don't know what's going on in my chemistry class so that's a real bummer. I do however have my own sheep this semester which is a pretty baller move honestly. Besides chemistry I'm having a pretty solid semester.

  13. My semester has been going well so far. I am really enjoying my classes, especially since more pertain to my major. I also just finished my first “exam week” which went well. This semester, I am trying to get involved in more extracurriculars, and my classes help with that since they are earlier in the morning. This allows me to have more free time during the day for homework and studying so that later I have more time to get more involved with my sorority, clubs and intramural soccer. I also just recently joined Tiger Paw Productions, which I couldn't be more excited about. So far, I have been doing a good job at balancing my academics and extracurricular activities. I have been really enjoying my semester as it is going well and I hope it continues to stay that way!

  14. My semester has been going pretty well so far. I have a very similar schedule to last semester, so there is not much difference in the amount of time and effort I need to put into each of my classes. I have had a few exams and did very well on each of them. My main stressor right now is setting up an internship or shadowing at a vet hospital for the summer. Most of the vets near where I live don’t take college students as interns or already have students lined up to work. I thought I was ahead of everyone by applying 4 months in advance, but I guess the earliest bird gets the worm.

  15. My semester has been pretty good. My schedule this semester is a little easier than it was last year, but the breaks I have during the day make it harder to have time to focus because since they are breaks I don't want to work. So far it has been pretty easy, but now everything is starting to get busy and like last semester I have certain weeks where there is something from each of my classes due in that one week and that can be very stressful. Good news though my roommates have had the flu and I haven't gotten it yay.

  16. My semester has two polar opposite situations. At one minute I have nothing to do, and then the next minute I'm getting slammed in every possible way with work. So at this current moment, it is one of those times where I am getting absolutely slammed with work. At times this semester has been great, but there are other times where it is brutal and overbearing. Currently it is one of those times where it is brutal and I am not currently enjoying myself, after Tuesday it will be better though.

  17. So far, my semester has been okay. A lot of the classes I am taking are very boring, so it is hard to find motivation to do my work since I'm not interested in what I'm learning. I also have to choose doing homework over hanging out with my friends a lot which is difficult. I did not do well on my first two tests this semester so I have to work twice as hard in those classes to keep my grades up. The tests were very frustrating because I studied for them for days and still did not do as well as I wanted to.

  18. My semester has been okay! I have created a really nice balance between academics and my social life. I get my work done but I also am able to do the things I want to do spontaneously. Chemistry is kind of kicking my ass and taking up most of my studying time, but hopefully that will improve. This past week has been exceptionally brutal however next week should be a tad easier.

    (also so sorry this is late! I wrote out a response but it must have not posted!)

  19. Since I am now just now getting my computer back, my semester has been challenging. But things are looking up. My classes have all been extremely understanding and I'm hoping the next half of the semester is clear of technical difficulties. Catching up on things has been an absolute pain though.


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